Botanical name

Holothrix mundii


Holothrix mundii
Holothrix mundii
Holothrix mundii
Holothrix mundii
Holothrix mundii


Slender, tuberous geophyte up to 16cm. Leaves two, fleshy, pressed flat on the ground, with short hairs on margins only, up to 20mm broad, sometimes withered at flowering; flowering stem without bracts and with short, slightly deflexed hairs; inflorescence condensed, 3-18 flowered; green sepals and white petals and lip; anther compartments bright pink-mauve or purple; sepals without hairs; lip 3-7 lobed; spur straight.

After: Johannes L. L. Mund (1791-1831), Prussian pharmacist, botanist and plant collector in South Africa.


Fynbos and grassland, from sea level to 1,100m

Flower Date

September to November