Botanical name

Lachnaea densiflora



Common Name

Blushing Mountain Carnation


Near Threatened

Lachnaea densiflora
Lachnaea densiflora
Lachnaea densiflora
Lachnaea densiflora
Lachnaea densiflora
Lachnaea densiflora


Much-branched shrublet up to 50cm. Leaves are narrow with a pointed tip; flowers pink or cream-coloured in well-defined round heads, each flower with a woolly calyx, no petals.

Most species in the Thymelaeaceae family have a tough bark which tears into strips.

Latin: densus = dense; flos = flower: referring to the well-defined round heads of the flower clusters.

Greek: lachne = soft, woolly: referring to the woolly calyx.


Sandy flats and slopes

Flower Date

January to December often after fire