Botanical name

Protea nitida



Common Name

Waboom, Wagon Tree
Protea nitida
Protea nitida
Protea nitida
Protea nitida
Protea nitida
Protea nitida


Single-stemmed shrub or tree with a thick corky bark. Leaves are leathery, hairless, oblong and blue-grey in colour. Creamy-white inflorescences are ringed by broad bluish sea-green leaves; pollen presenters are long and thread-like.

This widespread tree protea (5m or more) is famous for its excellent wood which was used by early settlers in wagon making. Leaves were used to make ink and the bark for tanning.

It survives veld fires because of its thick bark and resprouts with red-tipped leaf buds, thus living for a great many years.


Gravelly acid sandy soil

Flower Date

March to September